CSUN’s exhibit hall featured many exhibits with useful news and products for people with vision impairment. Following are a few highlights, from RDPFS intern and exhibit hall visitor Ahmat Djouma:
Automatic Sync Technologies: Audio Describing Video Content
This company uses an automatic mechanism to provide live audio description of video content. Their technology writes the descriptions and embeds them with text-to-speech that can be read as the video plays. The quality is not quite that of the “human describer, but it does the job.” Learn more about it: Automatic Sync Technologies.
Increasing Web and Document Accessibility
CommonLook sells software that allows users to make usually hard-to-decipher PDF files and forms accessible. They recently worked with Google and, as a result, a new feature in Chrome will build PDF accessibility. For more information: CommonLook.
Many CSUN exhibitors showcased their expertise in making websites ADA compliant. One example, ADA Site Compliance, conducts accessibility audits for existing websites, including checking for contrast, text size and spot checking visuals. They work with private, state and local government agencies to build and maintain websites to ensure accessibility and ADA compliance. ADA Site Compliance