Dedicated to Improving the Lives of Blind and Visually Impaired People


In Spring 2025, Reader’s Digest Partners for Sight Foundation will share a new Grant process. The Foundation will next consider new funding requests in FY2026 which begins July 1, 2025.

What We Fund

Reader’s Digest Partners for Sight Foundation is committed to supporting US programs that foster the independence of people who are blind and visually impaired, toward realizing their full potential. We fund both existing programs and new programs with high potential for sustainability.Our grantmaking supports non-profit organizations with services in the US.

Grant amounts vary and have averaged $50,000. First-time grantees typically receive smaller awards. For information on past grantees, please visit Our Partners Page.

What we Do NOT fund

  • Individuals
  • Organizations lacking 501(c) (3) tax-exempt status
  • Organizations engaged in political influence/lobbying
  • Organizations operating outside of the United States
  • Deficit funding
  • Unsolicited proposals (see our process below)

How to Apply

After Reader’s Digest Partners for Sight Foundation announces our new grant process in Spring 2025, please contact our Executive Director, [email protected], to discuss if your program/project aligns with the Foundation’s funding priorities.

You may then be invited to submit a 2-3 page program summary, detailed proposal, budget, or other documentation. We will provide templates for 2-3 page summaries, budgets and proposals.

The Reader’s Digest Partners for Sight Foundation makes funding decisions during Board meetings, at the Board’s discretion.