As noted in a previous issue of this Bulletin, for almost nine million children and teenagers, Community Health Centers (CHCs) are a vital source of their primary medical and health care. Among children in the United States, “vision disorders are the fourth most common disability.” The second in a two-part webinar series on “Children’s Vision and Eye Health in Community Health Centers” will take place on November 1, 2023 from 2 to 3:15 pm ET. This program seeks to increase knowledge about vision care in CHCs and the integration of primary pediatric care and eyecare, and enhance participants’ ability to engage community partners for establishing children’s vision services. Co-sponsored by Prevent Blindness, the School-Based Health Alliance, the Association of Clinicians for the Underserved, and the National Association of Community Health Centers, the webinar will explore innovative approaches to children’s vision and eye health at centers in Florida, Ohio, and Virginia. Learn more and register here for Eyes on Access: Children’s Vision and Eye Health in Community Health Centers, Part Two. Watch the YouTube video here of the first webinar.