The Board of Directors of Hadley has appointed Johnjoe Farragher to be their next President and CEO. He succeeds President Julie Tye as she retires in September of this year. Throughout his career, Farragher has “consistently driven transformative growth and advancements in the edtech (education technology) sector, including the founding of two education technology services for kindergarten through grade twelve students. Over the past four years, Hadley’s reach has grown considerably, with more than 100,000 members joining their online community, according to Mark Stephan, chair of their board of trustees. “’Our scalable business model will allow us to serve millions more’” in the coming years, he noted. “’JohnJoe’s leadership in the education technology sector and his impressive record of generating growth with …great user satisfaction is exactly what is needed to achieve our ambitious goals,’” stated Dave Falter, trustee and search committee chair. The board also extended “’heartfelt gratitude to Julie (Tye) for her leadership, positioning Hadley for even great impact in its second century of service,’” as affirmed by Stephan. Founded in 1920 by William Hadley, an educator who lost his eyesight later in life, Hadley offers practical help, social connection, and support free of charge to people who are blind or have low vision, along with their families and professionals providing services to them. Read more about Farragher and Hadley in the businesswire news release announcing his appointment.