In commemorating Hispanic Heritage Month, the Aging and Vision Loss Coalition of Vision Service Alliance (VSA) and The Ohio State University College of Optometry have published an article offering insights regarding the Hispanic population of adults age 65 and older in the U.S. The article features “groundbreaking data regarding the rate of blindness and low vision among people over 65.” According to data previously cited in VSA’s Big Data Project reports, approximately 7.3 percent of older adults in the U.S. experience having blindness and low vision. A disproportionate number of Hispanic elders, 13.9 percent, report vision loss. In addition, “The Older Hispanic Population is Projected to Grow Exponentially,” going from 4.2 million in 2017 to 19.9 million by 2020, according to a report from the Administration for Community Living. This is similar to overall U.S. older population growth trends. People who are blind or have low vision at any age experience significant health and social disparities that can potentially impact their daily functioning and quality of life. Access to eye care for all as well as vision rehabilitation for those with vision loss are key to protecting well being and promoting independence for older adults. Read more on the VSA webpage here on aging and vision loss in the U.S. Hispanic population.