“Elevate your organization’s ability to improve health for people with disabilities.” So states the announcement of prize money to be awarded to community groups to support initiatives to improve “health equity for people with disabilities.” The prize competition has been announced by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Administration for Community Living (ACL). A total of $485,000 will be awarded through multiple phases of the competition. The Challenge enlists community groups that serve individuals with disabilities to “lead the way in proposing solutions that can transform health outcomes” in ways that are effective and sustainable. In Phase 1 of the initiative, community agencies submit proposals to reduce health disparities by increasing, diversifying, and intensifying current programs. Participating groups must describe how individuals with disabilities will be part of their “proposed solutions.” Awards of $25,000 each will be granted to up to eight organizations that will advance to Phase 2. Phase 1 applications will be accepted until November 1, 2024 at 5 pm ET. Additional details about the second phase will be provided by January 2025. To find out more, visit the CHALLENGE.GOV webpage on Community Champions for Disability Health Challenge. Additional details about the Challenge and a link with application details are included here.