When we first found the Cooking Without Looking blog from the College Transition Academy through the Utah School for the Deaf and Blind, the students had just started their Hello Fresh and Dinnerly trials. Their experiment lasted four weeks, and in that brief period their comfort in the kitchen and cooking skills grew exponentially. In week four, recipes required using the oven over and over. “I was so scared of the oven because I really wasn’t familiar with it at all. This week, since I was using it many times, I decided to get to know my oven. Something I did was taking some cold cookie sheets to practice putting things into the oven and taking things out. This gave me practice ensuring my chances of spilling anything or burning myself in the oven were little to none.” Another student wrote, “I was able to improvise; when a challenge arises now while I’m cooking, I know I can figure out a way to solve it.” A good thing, because Dinnerly forgot to send the last week’s box. The writer not only made chicken parmesan from a downloaded recipe, but made a family dinner, got together with friends for a “Make Your Own Pizza” night, and created a charcuterie board for a birthday gift. Week four blogposts.