Dedicated to Improving the Lives of Blind and Visually Impaired People

World Glaucoma Week: March 10 – 16, 2024: “Uniting for a Glaucoma-Free World”

This year’s World Glaucoma Week theme, “Uniting for a Glaucoma-Free World,” seeks to bring together communities across the globe to combat vision loss from glaucoma. This initiative, organized by the World Glaucoma Association, invites patients, eye care providers, health professionals, and the public to come together to conduct activities to heighten awareness and contribute to sight preservation. Glaucoma remains the leading cause of preventable blindness. “The goal is to alert everyone to have regular eye (and optic nerve) checks in order to detect glaucoma as early as possible.” Glaucoma usually emerges with no discernable symptoms and can become irreversible. For many patients, early detection and timely treatment can stop the damage and prevent vision loss. Additional information about the 2024 commemoration is available on the website for World Glaucoma Week. To join in heightening awareness, download the World Glaucoma Week toolkit, which includes logos, a glaucoma awareness slide presentation, infographics and more.

Normal Tension Glaucoma: What You Need to Know: A Webinar on March 13, 2024

Glaucoma is generally associated with high eye pressure. However, it can also occur with damage to the optic nerve without eye pressure above the average range. This variant is known as normal tension glaucoma, also called low-tension or normal-pressure glaucoma. On March 13, 2024 at 3 pm ET, the Glaucoma Research Foundation is conducting a webinar on this “significant yet often overlooked variant of glaucoma.” For additional details and to register, visit the webpage for Normal Tension Glaucoma: What You Need to Know. To learn more about the condition, read the Glaucoma Research Foundation piece on Normal-Tension Glaucoma: Questions and Answers.