Diabetes affects one in ten people worldwide. “Understanding the condition is the first step towards managing and preventing it.” In recognition of the World Diabetes Day 2022 focus on access to diabetes education, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) School of Diabetes has developed a new online education program to help individuals with the disease and those who care for them to “make informed decisions about their condition.” The program features free interactive courses, including an introduction to the condition and its complications and basic information about blood glucose control in preventing or delaying long-term complications, which include eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema. For more information, check IDF’s webpage About World Diabetes Day. IDF is also calling on policymakers to advance access to diabetes education. The organization asks people to support their call for action by sending letters to health or policy officials. For additional information and a sample letter, visit their webpage on Diabetes: education to protect tomorrow.