National Braille Press (NBP) has announced that the 2023 winner of the Louis Braille Touch of Genius Prize for Innovation is Gregory Hargraves and the UK-based “Team of Inventors” for Paige Connect, an adaptation of the Perkins Brailler. This innovation “replaces the base of the brailler with a sturdy printed circuit board.” The board consists of its own Wi-Fi with sensors that create digital output from physical keystrokes on the brailler. The resulting output can be read on a smartphone, tablet, or laptop. Brian MacDonald, president and CEO of NBP, explained that “’Paige Connect is a device that will enhance the way that individuals write on their traditional braillers, and it will assist teachers to get instant feedback on how the student is typing…Its ease of use, functionality and low price point made it the winner among a lot of other great entries in this year’s Touch of Genius competition.’” Paige Connect’s estimated price is $125. The team’s next step is to bring the product available to users following safety testing and certification. Inventors from around the world participate in the Touch of Genius competition, showcasing their ideas and innovations aimed at improving the lives of people who are blind or have low vision. The prize winner receives $10,000. For more information, including the background, selection process, and funding of this award, read the press release entitled “National Braille Press Announces Touch of Genius Prize Winner Paige Connect.”