Dedicated to Improving the Lives of Blind and Visually Impaired People

Technology Update: “Braille Blaster” 2.1.3-Stable

BrailleBlaster, a free braille transcription program developed by the American Printing House for the Blind (APH), helps transcribers provide students with textbooks in braille. The recently released BrailleBlaster 2.1.3-Stable features a number of improvements in its “stability and usability” over previous versions. Enhancements have also been made in “file handling and performance.” Among the specific improvements are:
– Overhauling of the Find and Replace tool;
– Continued improvements with File Handling;
– Improved table importing;
– An improved table editor; and
– “Many other improvements and bug fixes.”

According to the BrailleBlaster website, older files of the software are not compatible with this latest version Therefore, it is recommended that users complete work with the existing version prior to switching primarily to BrailleBlaster 2.1.3-Stable. For more information, read the Perkins School for the Blind article on the BrailleBlaster 2.1.3: Major software update. And visit this webpage to Download BrailleBlaster.