Dedicated to Improving the Lives of Blind and Visually Impaired People

Something for President’s Day

In 2018, Vision Monday coined the term GOTPOTUS. We’re all familiar with the term POTUS, but GOTPOTUS? It’s “Glasses of The Presidents of the United States.” Official portraits show only three presidents wearing glasses, but the ” true story is much longer. Many presidents wore reading glasses, but LBJ had the most extensive collection – 53 pairs – notes the article. And glasses are even reputed to have saved a president’s life. According to one old story, Teddy Roosevelt, Progressive Party candidate for president in 1912, was on his way to make a speech when a would-be assassin shot him outside his hotel. “Although the bullet pierced Roosevelt’s skin and lodged against one of his ribs, its trajectory toward the former president’s heart was stopped by Roosevelt’s bulky overcoat, his folded lengthy speech, and (wait for it) his steel-reinforced eyeglasses case,” a blog post from ” Zenni Optical noted.