As people age, they face a higher risk for common eye conditions and diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, and cataract. During September, Healthy Aging Month, the National Eye Institute (NEI) of the National Institutes of Health asks that we “help raise awareness about eye health and aging.” Many eye diseases have no early symptoms; however, regular, comprehensive eye exams can help adults to protect their vision by identifying eye conditions and diseases early, when they are generally more treatable. NEI provides many resources to let people know how to protect their vision as they get older, including videos and webinars, articles and fact sheets, and infographics and infocards that can be shared online. NEI also offers information to help the public Learn how vision rehabilitation can benefit people with a visual impairment. For additional details and access to other resources, visit the NEI webpage on Healthy Aging Month. For general news about Healthy Aging Month and to find promotional ideas and materials on how people can stay healthy as they age, visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services webpage on September National Health Observances: Healthy Aging…