Checklists from the National Technical Assistance Center on Blindness and Low Vision (NRTC) are available to assist vocational rehabilitation (VR) professionals in assessing the need for career advancement or job retention services for clients with visual disabilities. NRTC, a program of Mississippi State University, developed these checklists that can be used during intake for clients who are employed. They cover questions concerning such issues as worker satisfaction, support systems, licensing and certification requirements for positions, career goals, and more. For those workers who secure employment later in the VR process, the checklists may help VR professionals to determine if they have any job retention or advancement needs prior to closing their cases. In addition to the checklists, the technical assistance center has developed a collection of resources for professionals and for persons with vision loss (PDF) that address common challenges to career advancement and job retention, including online training courses, publications, and other practical information. For more information, and to access the checklists, visit NRTC’s Job Retention and Career Advancement Resources.