The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is seeking input from the public in developing the Federal Evidence Agenda on Disability Equity. This agenda will describe disparities in health, employment, educational and other outcomes that could be better understood through Federal statistics and data collection or through participation in national programs. It will also identify how such data collection can help to advance the government’s ability to measure disparities faced by individuals with disabilities and identify practices to “safeguard privacy, security, and civil rights.” OSTP seeks responses to:
– What disparities faced by individuals with disabilities are not well-understood through existing practices?
– What types of statistics or data collection could help in the creation of the Federal Evidence Agenda on Disability Equity?
– What factors or criteria should be considered in establishing policy research priorities?
Individuals and organizations can submit comments by July 15, 2024 via the Federal eRulemaking Portal at For instructions on how to use this portal, visit the webpage with Frequently Asked Questions. To learn more, visit the Federal Register webpage announcing the Notice of Availability and Request for Information; Federal Evidence Agenda on Disability Equity.