“Getting Started Guides,” offered free of charge from APH Family Connect, provide a multitude of resources to support raising a child with a vision impairment. These include information about vision development, navigating the IFSP (Individualized Family Service Plan) and IEPs (Individualized Education Plan), braille literacy, technology, how to support a child at home, and more. Guides are available for children from birth to third grade and those in fourth through twelfth grades in both English and Spanish. APH, seeking “to refresh the material,” has developed a survey to inform the process. Those responding to survey questions are asked to browse the Guides beforehand. Responses will help to “shape the future of this free resource.” For additional information, visit the APH ConnectCenter webpage describing and providing links to the Getting Started Guides. To access and complete the survey, go to the link for Getting Started Guide 2.0 Feedback.