When Holly Bonner became legally blind in 2012, she transitioned from the role of social work practitioner to client needing services. After losing vision due to a neurological condition following chemotherapy treatment, Bonner embarked on months of training in technology, mobility, and adult daily living skills. And, as she began to feel confident about rejoining “the land of the living” with her white cane and training, “what doctors said was impossible happened. I (Bonner) became pregnant!” As an expectant mother, Bonner drowned out “unhelpful background noise” from some doubtful, “overly opinionated people” and resolved to become the “best disabled mommy” she could be. Together with her husband, Joe, Bonner cared for their daughter Nuala, born in 2013, and then second daughter, Aoife, who arrived in 2014. She also created an online resource for individuals and family members whose lives have been impacted by vision loss. Blind Motherhood shares experiences and insights online to help blind parents learn “all things baby,” from changing a diaper, to nighttime feedings, and much more. The mission is to “demonstrate (that) members of the blind and visually impaired community can parent safely, independently and effectively,” seeking to combat negative perceptions about parenting without sight, “educating and enlightening both the sighted and the blind.” Sighted parents of blind children can also find support from Blind Motherhood. As Bonner states, “Blind or sighted, when it comes to parenting you can ‘never lose sight of life, love and laughter.’” Read more of Bonner’s insights and the resources she provides by visiting Blind Motherhood.