Dedicated to Improving the Lives of Blind and Visually Impaired People

Proposed Legislation Would Establish the First Federal Program to Address Vision Care and Eye Health for the Nation’s Children: Early Detection of Visual Impairment in Children Act of 2024 (EDVI)

by Amy Gendreau, RDPFS Intern

Significant disparities exist in children’s vision and eye health outcomes and access to eye care across the United States. Numerous public health programs support early childhood development, including children’s hearing and oral health, however, “there is currently no established national-level program in the United States that specifically addresses children’s vision and eye health.”  A bipartisan effort introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives, the Early Detection of Visual Impairment in Children Act of 2024 (EDVI) would set up the first federal program addressing children’s vision and eye health. This would be accomplished by providing grants for states and communities to “improve children’s vision and eye health through coordinated systems of care.”  States and local communities are in the best position to implement public health protocols through community, early childhood education, and school-based programs. However, approaches vary widely from state to state and often lack systems to refer to eye care providers and to ensure follow up for children to receive the care they need. The EDVI Act would support local professionals and schools with “evidence-based screening methods, improve referrals to eye care, and advance follow-up protocols to ensure that children” who need eye care receive it before an advancing vision problem leads to possible vision loss. This legislation can provide a standard of care that includes early detection, identification, intervention, education and deployment of corresponding resources and services. For more information, visit the webpages from Prevent Blindness announcing that The EDVI Act would establish the first federal program to address children’s vision and eye health and from Ophthalmology Times describing the Bipartisan proposal introduced in US House to address children’s vision impairment. To learn more about taking action to advance the legislation, visit the webpage on how to Support H.R. 8400, the Early Detection of Vision Impairments for Children Act!