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“Our Future Matters:” Join the Online Dialogue to Inform Federal Interagency Strategy

by B. E. Lewis, RDPFS Intern

“How can employment services be more effective for young adults with disabilities?” Addressing this question, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), in collaboration with partner federal agencies, is hosting an ePolicyWorks online dialogue. This initiative seeks innovative ideas to help improve policies and practices that lead to a smooth transition to employment for youth with disabilities. The website hosting this national online dialogue, titled “Our Future Matters,” welcomes ideas and experiences from all stakeholders, including anyone with a personal or professional interest in supporting the aspirations of youth and young adults with disabilities to live, work, and thrive in their communities.” Join the Online Conversation by submitting ideas on such topics as education, employment, health and human services, and social security. Comments can include thoughts about changes that need to occur to improve services in these and other areas.  Those providing input will also have an opportunity to add topics, such as access to childcare and transportation, and to review and comment on the ideas of others who have joined in the conversation. This online conversation will help to identify issues of concern as well as “creative solutions” to overcome challenges that currently exist. Following the submission of ideas and comments, the DOL and federal agency partners will analyze what has been received to inform their work to address and support youth with disabilities in the transition to adulthood. Learn more and join in this “transformative discussion and contribute your experiences and ideas” at Our Future Matters: Informing the Federal Interagency Strategy. In order to provide input, you will need to have or establish an account. A link to register is included.