Each year, in March, National Social Work Month celebrates the importance and contributions of social workers in addressing issues facing the nation. The theme for 2024 is “Empowering Social Workers,” focusing on ways “Americans can support the social work profession,” including recognizing “the need for more mental health services providers.” This need is particularly relevant to addressing the needs of people who are visually impaired. “The prospect of losing one’s sight is life-changing, with consequences for an individual’s mental health and sense of identity,” according to a report of a study on The Psychological Impact of Vision Loss, published in the Journal of Mental Health and Clinical Psychology. Developing “psychosocial interventions” targeted to address thoughts and feelings that can “accompany vision loss may increase the success and acceptability of such interventions, as well as showing individuals that they are not alone in their thoughts.” Social workers often play key roles in helping individuals adjust to changes in vision and manage life with vision loss. They can also assist in gaining access to service and training and “advocacy to combat discrimination and exclusion,” as explained in an article in the Encyclopedia of Social Work on Blindness and Visual Impairment. For more information about National Social Work Month, including media and other promotional material, visit the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) webpage on Social Work Month 2024: Empowering Social Workers! Thank you Social Workers!