White Flower Farm in Litchfield, CT has been sending me print catalogs and online ads for years. While it didn’t work from my desktop, for the first time this week when I peeked into the site from my iphone, I found a blue wheelchair icon, and clicking it found all kinds of useful accommodations for visually impaired or blind users including a text magnifier, font enlarger, screen reader interface, line height and letter spacing, color and contrast adjustments and black or white large cursors via a website addon. Our screen reader tester noted that when visiting the site, he was immediately given directions on engaging screen reader mode, but found that the graphics descriptions were rather limited. To try it out, go here.
The add on, by accessiBe, which says it is the “first and only web accessibility solution that uses AI and automation to make websites of any size accessible to people with disabilities” can also be translated into 13 other languages. In a testimonial for accessiBe, Sisi, an experienced technology user who is blind, says, “You know, it is really funny how sometimes merchants don’t seem to be so interested in my money. But once you go on a website that is accessible and really works with a screen reader, that makes a great difference.” Learn all about it and view demos here.