This year’s annual celebration of World Sight Day will highlight the “importance of eye care in the workplace.” The event provides the opportunity to focus the world’s attention on eye health as a global issue as well as a platform to influence decision makers to make eye health initiatives a priority, and to activate demand for eye health services globally. The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB), coordinator of this commemoration, urges employers to make eye health initiatives standard practice and to promote habits to foster eye health and benefit the well being, safety, and productivity of millions of employees. As a start, everyone is invited to make a pledge to #LoveYourEyes. Steps need to be taken by employers and others to “ensure that eye care is available, accessible and affordable to all.” To promote the message and help to achieve this goal, IAPB provides a toolkit, posters, workplace resources, graphics, and social media resources. Offerings include suggested media tips, press releases, talking points for CEOs and other spokespeople, how to plan a vision screening, a workplace checklist, and much more. World Sight Day is coordinated by IAPB and supported by almost 200 IAPB Member organizations in nations around the world. For more information, visit the IAPB webpage on World Sight Day 2023.