The need for O&M services is increasing as the population of adults and older adults continues to grow. This latest Salus University initiative builds on two existing programs, strengthening their Blind and Low Vision Services (BLVS) educational program and offering potential replicability in other institutions of higher learning. The two programs are Project Reach, which boosts enrollments in BLVS services education, and the existing Salus internship program for their graduate Orientation and Mobility (O&M) training, which received RDPFS funding when it launched. Salus sought renewed funding from RDPFS to help increase the number of professionals qualified to provide these services and to reduce waiting lists of people needing training in O&M skills at the Salus University William Feinbloom Vision Rehabilitation Center and referring regional organizations. Upon completion of the internship, participants will be well positioned to apply for national certification through the Academy for the Certification of Vision Rehabilitation and Education Professionals (ACVREP) and ready to enter the workforce.