In continuing to provide informative and entertaining educational resources, Vision Forward has announced that their Learning Management System (LMS) has been launched and offers free sign up. Participants in their webinars can earn “on-demand” continuing education credits from ACVREP (the Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation and Education Professionals). Vision Forward’s “Tech Connect“ provides a fully accessible online learning platform “where you can take a deep dive on a variety of topics while earning ACVREP credit.” Every other Thursday at 11 am CT (12 noon ET), “Tech Connect Live!” offers demonstrations of assistive technology designed for people with vision loss. Assistive Technology (AT) specialists host the program live on YouTube. They encourage participants to come prepared with questions and comments. For a sample of the program’s content, check out the Webinar Teaser: Reading Printed Text via Smartphone OCR! To access all of their past webinars and extra videos, login for free to Vision Forward’s Online Learning Management Software. The complete list of Tech Connect Live sessions is available on the Tech Connect Live YouTube page. Additional program information is featured on the webpage for Tech Connect.