Dedicated to Improving the Lives of Blind and Visually Impaired People

“Focus on Eye Health” Summit Taking Place Online July 10 to 11, 2024

The 13th Annual Focus on Eye Health Summit, a free, virtual, interactive event, highlights the theme of “Being Seen and Heard.” Hosted by Prevent Blindness, the Summit will emphasize the importance of a “person-centered approach” to vision health practices, research, communications, and care. “Being seen and heard by providers, policy makers, researchers, public health experts and other stakeholders allows an individual’s complex health issues to be addressed while taking into consideration their preferences, cultural background, and social context.” Ultimately, this can result in the best outcomes for everyone. Those attending will include patient advocates; vision and eye health organizations; research, public health and health care professionals; educators; social service professionals; corporate partners; and staff members from government agencies. The two-day event, on July 10 and 11, 2024, features a full agenda, with sessions on vision research, children’s vision, and AI in Healthcare, along with opportunities to interact with other attendees and more. For additional information and to register, visit the Prevent Blindness webpage on the 2024 Focus on Eye Health Summit, a Virtual Interactive Event.