Dedicated to Improving the Lives of Blind and Visually Impaired People

Events Being Held Nationwide to Recognize the ADA Anniversary

In reflecting on the past and present, as well as looking forward to the future of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), consider joining community events and observances being held in your community and around the country in celebrating the anniversary of the enacting of the ADA on July 26, 1990. A few of those coming up online are:

On July 24, 2024 from 1 to 2:30 pm PT (4 to 5:30 pm ET): The ADA Anniversary: History of the Disability Rights Movement.

On July 25, 2024 from 10 to 11 am ET: the Rose of the ADA Coordinator in Post-Secondary Education.

On July 25, 2024 from 2 to 3 pm ET: ADA 34 Live! Show your ADA and History Knowledge, an interactive session.

For dates and times for additional events, check out the ADA National Network’s National Events Calendar.