What are the most effective approaches when seeking to create an inclusive work environment? Are your agency’s accessibility efforts “siloed or wholistic?” These questions will be addressed during a webinar on “Accessibility and Accommodations in the Federal Workplace: Driving Success in Employment and Performance,” taking place on May 23, 2023 from 1 to 2:30 pm ET. This session can be beneficial for coordinators of Section 508 (part of the Rehabilitation Act, requiring federal agencies to ensure accessibility of information and communication technology) as well as IT Specialists, Reasonable Accommodations Specialists, and Disability Program Managers. Attendees can gain insights that can help to foster an accessible work environment that removes barriers to career advancement. Speakers include a senior manager and accessibility specialist with disabilities who will describe their experiences and how their careers benefited from coordination of their individual needs and system access. Best practices to achieve goals with cross collaboration will be covered, along with information about accessibility resources and strategies. Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) and real-time captioning will be provided. The program is sponsored by the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) National Network. More information and a registration link are available on the Great Lakes ADA Center website here for Accessibility and Accommodations in the Federal Workplace: Driving Success in Employment and Performance.