A partnership between the Johns Hopkins Disability Health Research Center (JHDHRC) and ReBokeh, an assistive technology startup, has resulted in the creation of Low Vision Connect, a digital platform for individuals with vision impairment. The primary objective of the platform is to facilitate “authentic connections rooted in personal experiences,” with the goal of improving the quality of life and advancing independence for people with low vision. Dr. Bonnie Swenor, founder and director of JHDHRC, elaborated on the project’s intent, noting that “’We hope Low Vision Connect will provide a much-needed space for those with low vison to share their lived experiences, find support and build lasting relationships.’” The developers are seeking feedback and involvement to test and refine the platform. Actual development of the community platform is slated to begin this summer, with plans calling for user testing to be introduced early next year. Read more here about how ReBokeh partnered with Johns Hopkins to expand low vision assistive technologies.