Dedicated to Improving the Lives of Blind and Visually Impaired People

Art Therapy Program Available Free of Charge for People with Thyroid Eye Disease

The Prevent Blindness Art Therapy Program for people with Thyroid Disease (TED) and their “care partners” will be held from September 22 to November 14, 2023. Participants will join in eight weekly, two-hour virtual sessions. This program is offered free of charge, including art materials needed, for individuals with TED and their family, friends, loved ones, and others involved in their care. Applications must be submitted by August 22, 2023. The sessions use art therapy as a way to cope with feelings of isolation, anxiety and depression. Also known as Graves’ Eye Disease, TED is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the immune system attacks the thyroid. The main symptom is bulging eyes. Other symptoms include dry eyes, puffy eyelids, double vision, or eyelids that pull back more than usual. The art therapy program will build community and connections with other people who are affected by TED. Prior experience is not necessary. Capacity is limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. “Individuals who are not artists or do not consider themselves creative can still benefit and should consider participating.” Art therapy has been shown to help people improve their mental, emotional, and even physical wellness. For additional information or to apply, please visit the webpage for the 2023 Prevent Blindness Art Therapy Program for People with Thyroid Disease (TED). And visit the National Eye Institute webpage here for more information about TED (Graves’ Eye Disease).