Recognizing that women are at higher risk for eye diseases and vision impairment than men, April is being commemorated once again as Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month. Age-related macular degeneration, cataract, dry eye, glaucoma, refractive error, and thyroid eye disease are more prevalent among women. This observance serves to create awareness about women “being more susceptible to issues with their eyesight” and highlight resources available to “help save sight.” In declaring April as Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month, Prevent Blindness offers free resources, including fact sheets, social media graphics, and educational videos and webpages to “help prevent unnecessary vision loss.” The increased incidence of eye disease among women can be attributed to demographic factors, such as women living longer than men, and social factors, like reduced access to care, as indicated in The Lancet Global Health Commission on Global Eye Health beyond 2020 report. During puberty, pregnancy, and menopause and throughout their lives women can experience vision changes. When women are pregnant, for example, their corneas may change in thickness, shape, and sensitivity. This can result in refractive error, causing blurry vision. Among postmenopausal women, dry eye occurs at double the rate, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO). For more information, read the National Today listing on Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month and the webpage announcing that Prevent Blindness Provides Free Resources as Part of April’s Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month to Educate Women on Necessary Steps to Help Save Sight. To find out about financial assistance for eyecare, read the Prevent Blindness Your Sight: Vision Care Financial Assistance Information.