Each year, the Mutual of America Foundation holds a national competition among hundreds of nonprofit organizations. Their Community Partnership Award recognizes “exemplary leadership” in “facilitating partnerships with public, private, or social leaders who are working together as equal partners…to build a cohesive community that serves as a model for collaborating with others for the greater good.” The competition is now open and the deadline to submit applications is July 1, 2023. Award winners demonstrate the value of the partnerships to their communities as well as the ability for their work to be replicated by others and “their capacity to stimulate new approaches to addressing significant social issues.” Awards include: The Thomas J. Moran Award, with a $100,000 grant and a documentary video about the program; The Frances R. Hasselbein Award of $50,000 to a partnership addressing social challenges in multiple communities or the ability to be replicated; and four other Honorable Mention recipients, each of whom receives $50,000. Applicants must submit general information about their organization, a written statement about the project and partnership, an annual report, financial statement, and other organizational details. For more information, and the application form, visit the webpage with the 2023 Application for the Mutual of America Foundation Community Partnership Award.