Dedicated to Improving the Lives of Blind and Visually Impaired People

Anticipated Growth of the Global Adaptive Equipment Market for Individuals Who Are Visually Impaired

by Jaime Rodriguez, RDPFS Intern

In the past, people who were blind or had visual impairments relied primarily on simple devices, such as the magnifying lens, during their daily activities. The advent of assistive technology has expanded available options to include electronic and digital magnification devices, apps, software, and other products and tools that help to improve the lives of people with visual impairments. ”These technologies can be high tech or low tech, which can range from smart canes, wearables, reading helpers, and lever doorknobs to voice recognition software and augmented communication devices (speech generating devices).” Many developments have occurred in the past two years, from Freedom Scientific‘s RUBY 10, a 10-inch touchscreen, video magnifier with text to speech and advanced viewing modes, to Eyedaptic, Inc.‘s Eye3, augmented reality eyewear for people with low vision, and more. Increased prevalence and awareness of visual impairments, the latter through social media and other platforms, has fueled growing demand for assistive technology. Dozens of companies dominate this “emerging but competitive” field. In the coming years, this growing market “is expected to gain further momentum,” as additional smart technologies are developed and upgraded, and more money is invested into the market, along with “a favorable regulatory landscape.” It is anticipated that the “global Vision Impairment Devices Market” will grow at a rate of 8 percent by 2026. For more details, check out the Medi-Tech Insights article, “Global Vision Impairment Devices Market – Fuels the Eye Care Revolution.”