Ari Kelly, from Needham, Massachusetts, like most 10-year-olds in Spring 2020, was home from school. It was hard, and as one of his friends says in the first episode of his podcast for kids, At Your Level, it was “really, really, really, really boring,” even though quarantine had just started. After a fun packed Season One with topics like pandemic birthdays, food, kids who podcast, and engineering, Season 2 is about to start. Ari is inviting kids who like video games and talking about them or who hate going to sleep at night and have thoughts about it, to be his guests on upcoming episodes. Kids can also submit a recording (there’s a button on his website) and tell a riddle or a bad dad joke to become part of the podcast themselves and learn a little about this new craft. Listen to last season’s episodes on Google podcasts at At Your Level – for kids by kids. Now, Ari is looking to expand his audience through a posting on Perkins Paths to Technology. Listen to his invitation here.