The Law School Admission Council is partnering with Khan Academy to offer “thousands of official practice questions from actual LSAT exams. Create a customized practice plan that works with your schedule,” says LSAC. Khan Academy’s free web-based LSAT prep course is accessible with JAWS, reports Ahmat, who had some difficulty locating other accessible and free digital LSAT prep materials.
Fall 2020 LSAC tests are being administered and proctored remotely as the LSAT-Flex. LSAC is offering assistance to test takers who need a quiet or private room in which to take the test, but Ahmat reports after speaking with them that students are expected to find their own space with a reimbursement from LSAC for any costs incurred. Those who had accommodations in place for the in-person test will have the same accommodations offered to them for the remote test. info here.