The thing about government rehabilitation programs is that although names change, many issues that existed in 1995 are still in discussion in 2020. In its opening paragraph, American Council of the Blind’s White Paper, 2020 Status of Rehabilitation for People Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision states: “The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) is a perfect example of a well meaning, but flawed attempt to upgrade rehabilitation services and results. The flaws in the WIOA reauthorization are never more apparent than its consequences for people who are blind or have low vision.” In the following pages, ACB promotes a vision of the same seamless medical to rehabilitation approach (including equipment) for people who are blind or low vision as currently exists for other disability groups; calls for education and rehabilitation professionals to work hand in hand; commit “public relations assets and funds to uplifting the image of people who are blind or have low vision”; improve blindness specific workforce programs and count those working through them as successfully employed; improve older blind programs by credentialing professionals working in them; and strengthen State Rehabilitation Councils. Is common sense change about to happen?