More than 800 children ages 6 through 13 years are known to be blind and visually impaired in New York State, according to the New York State Commission for the Blind (NYCB). Many reside in rural areas where they may be the only child in their class, school, or community with a vision impairment. These children also have limited or no access to in-person socialization or recreation programs with peers who are visually impaired. RDPFS funding will support the “Insightful Saturdays: Virtual Youth Enrichment Program,” which expands the reach and effectiveness of Lighthouse Guild’s longstanding Saturday Youth Socialization Skills Program (SYSP). SYSP, held in-person for children ages 6 through 13 years, was held virtually during the height of COVID. This new program, building on the success of the SYSP after pivoting to a remote platform, will operate every Saturday during the school year. While NYSCB contracts with not-for-profit agencies throughout the state, covering all counties, most of these organizations are located in more densely populated cities and in-person programming for children in remote areas is limited. Opportunities for socialization and play are important elements of child development, and children who are blind or visually impaired may have limited opportunities because of their vision issues. This program erases the barrier of geography and provides children who are blind or visually impaired an opportunity to meet peers with similar vision challenges. The Virtual Youth Enrichment Program offers socialization, rehabilitation, and technology instruction. It also encourages children to build self-awareness and self-confidence, while cultivating the skills needed for future success in vocational rehabilitation or independent living.