When individuals who have had good eyesight begin to lose vision later in life, “they often struggle to understand what is happening to them.” They may not know if they will be able to do activities they are accustomed to doing. “Lessons for Living with Vision Loss” include 19 sessions from rehabilitation professionals who share how to complete tasks safely and efficiently. A wide range of topics are available, including using a computer and other technology, performing tasks in the kitchen, shopping, and home repairs, to name a few. The lessons also cover understanding eye conditions, navigating eye care, and techniques for making best use of remaining vision. These sessions are available in English and Spanish on the website for the OIB-TAC (Older Adults who are Blind Technical Assistance Center) and from the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS) Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD). For more information, and links to download all 19 sessions in audio and print formats, visit the OIB-TAC webpage on Lessons for Living.