As announced in a previous Bulletin, the theme for this year’s National Disabilities Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) is “Advancing Access and Equity.” NDEAM, observed every year in October, “celebrates the contributions of America’s workers with disabilities past and present and showcases supportive, inclusive employment policies and practices that benefit employers and employees.” The official poster, illustrating the 2023 theme, is now available for downloading and mail order. This resource communicates the importance of ensuring that individuals with disabilities have equal opportunities to prepare for and succeed in the workplace. It also recognizes the 50th anniversary of the passage of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. New outreach tools are available on the NDEAM website, including customizable versions of the poster, NDEAM messages, and social media graphics that organizations and individuals can use in their observances. The website also includes ideas for celebrating the occasion, designed for use by employers, educators and youth service professionals, government officials and agencies, and professional and disability-related organizations. NDEAM activities can be held year round as well, with suggestions offered for ongoing efforts that can highlight the “importance of including disability in all of your organization’s diversity endeavors.” Learn more by visiting the webpage for NDEAM.