In recognition of the national health observance (NHO) of Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month, the National Eye Institute (NEI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) calls attention to a variety of resources that help to highlight the importance of protecting children’s eye health and vision. NEI for Kids provides children with an array of kid-friendly educational materials, tips, and fun activities. The section “All About Vision” includes a page “About the Eye” that provides explanations of the various parts of the eye and their function, such as the macula for central vision, lens to focus, and iris to regulate how much light enters the eye. A series of videos with audio description, “Ask a Scientist,” covers such topics as eyes at night, underwater eyes, and eye myths and facts. Tips for eye health and safety include “First Aid Tips,” “Sports and Your Eyes,” “Protective Eyewear,” and more. “Fun Stuff” presents such treats as “Cool Eye Tricks” and “Optical Illusions.” These are only a few of the offerings highlighted by NEI on their webpage for Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month. For the full list of resources, click here on the link for NEI for Kids.