During the summer months, especially around the July 4th holiday, fireworks often mark the occasions in bright, colorful, and very audible ways. These displays, which can be spectacular, can also cause severe damage, including “devastating eye injuries,” if not handled properly, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO). AAO points out that fireworks result in 9,000 injuries each year. To focus attention on the safety precautions that can be taken to prevent accidents and injuries, Fireworks Eye Safety Month is observed each year in June. Fireworks can be enjoyed safely by keeping a distance from them and experiencing the spectacle only in licensed, public displays. If an accident occurs, some recommendations from Prevent Blindness that can minimize the damage are to avoid rubbing, rinsing out, or applying pressure or ointment to the eye. It is also important to head to the emergency room immediately for treatment. For more detailed safety tips, visit the Prevent Blindness webpage on Fireworks Safety. The AAO offers information on Fireworks Eye Safety Month, along with a sample press release, newsletter article, social media posts, and other resources that can be found by scrolling down to the month of June on their webpage on Promotional Materials for Eye Health Observances. For additional background information on the monthly observance, visit the write up on National Today on Fireworks Eye Safety Month. Enjoy the brilliance of summer and the stunning displays of fireworks safely!