On March 22, 1955, DeWitt Wallace, co-founder of the Reader’s Digest, established the “Reader’s Digest Fund for the Blind” to publish high-quality, large-type reading material for people who were visually impaired. Through the years the organization took on a broader mission, helping to foster the independence of people who are blind and visually impaired. Now, as Reader’s Digest Partners for Sight Foundation (RDPFS), we are proud to work in partnership with other organizations that assist, support, and provide training to people who are visually impaired. RDPFS has a significant grant program that has made a difference in the lives of thousands of individuals living with vision loss. And, in keeping with the Foundation’s origins, we continue to publish Reader’s Digest Select Editions Large Type (SELT), providing a diverse selection of best-selling fiction in an easy-to-read large print format. In commemorating the 67th anniversary of RDPFS, we reaffirm our commitment to working toward an accessible and inclusive world where people who are blind and visually impaired have the tools, resources, and opportunity to lead independent and fulfilling lives.