A recent study of a wearable device designed to improve mobility among people who are blind or have severely impaired vision has revealed some promising results. According to an article in Ophthalmology Times, among users participating in the clinical trial, the rate of collisions decreased by more than one-third during daily walks over a four-week period. The device in development consists of a video camera and microcomputer contained in a slingback bag. When worn, the camera is level with the user’s chest and provides alerts to them via “vibratactile wristbands.” The study’s authors, lead author Shrinivas Punklik, PhD, and senior author Gang Luo, PhD, are both from the Schepens Eye Research of Massachusetts Eye and Ear and the Department of Ophthalmology of Harvard Medical School. “’In this study…the collision warnings were associated with a reduced rate of contacts with obstacles during daily mobility, indicating the potential of a device to augment habitual mobility aids.’” Read the full article: Collision warning device developed for visually impaired patients.